Tek 465 Probes

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I just bought a 465 off ebay for $125 (seems like people here say I shouldn't have paid over $100). The seller said that he had taken it to a shop and it had been confirmed in exceltent working order, and he seemed like a really honest guy.

It didn't come with probes though, so I'm wondering if this probe will work just fine:



ps. If this scope really is in great shape, was $125 still overpaying?

Edit: Fixed Link
Hi, your link didn't work for me.

If your only doing analog audio frequency stuff (up to 20kHz), almost any probe will do - they are minimally rated at 20MHz. Ones with higher frequency ratings cost more, and probably wont be necessary.
any 1 meg probe should work. once you get it, make sure you get a compensation alignment procedure for it. most probes have a trimmer cap in the connector box, but some use a threaded ring on the probe body. make sure you adjust the compensation, otherwise you will be wondering why clipped waveforms look so weird. i built an 8ohm 500W test load and wired it directly to a scope input, forgetting (and i have calibration experience, no less...) to use a compensation network. when an amp would clip. the clipping was slanted badly. once i added a compensation network (a 1 meg resistor and a 50pf variable cap) i was able to get the clipped waveforms to their proper shape.
An additional note: compensation is needed for the 10:1 setting only. The input capacitance is always indicated at the scope input terminals (20pF in this case). This should be within the variable capacitance range of the probe (10 to 35pF for that particular probe). Connect the probe in 10:1 setting to the "Calibrator" of the scope and adjust the variable capacitor until you get flat top square wave. Use 10:1 setting whenever possible, it has less load on the circuit to be measured.
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