Technics SL7 problem

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I have owned a Technics SL7 from new and it has worked faultlessly until now. I have not used it for the last 10 years and now it does not operate correctly. It will play the first couple of minutes of an LP but then jumps and keeps playing the same track, as the tonearm carrier is not being driven inwards to maintain the tonearm in a straight position. Pressing and holding either the ‘start’ or ‘stop’ button do not increment the tonearm carrier, as they should.

I wondered if the drive belt had perished but removed the dust cover and established that the drive belt and tonearm drive rope are intact, (though the drive belt is a little loose). If I rotate the tonearm drive manually to move the tonearm carrier towards the centre, and then try to play an LP it does recognise that the tonearm is in the incorrect position and moves it outwards to the start position. This tells me that the arm drive motor and associated components are working correctly.

Anybody got any ideas why the tonearm now sticks when playing, and why the ‘start’ or ‘stop’ buttons do not increment the tonearm? Your help would be much appreciated.
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