tda2030a heatsink with transistor output

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Hi, I dunno if anyone can help me. I'm planning on building a TDA2030A chip amp, using 2n3055 + MJ2955 transistor pairs, similar to the one in the datasheet, just using different transistors to them.

First of all, to me it looks like it will work, any objections? If it is an issue please explain why.

Also I plan on putting the transistors all on one heatsink, does the TDA2030A need to have a heatsink as well?(not enough space on the one i have to add it with the transistors). The reason I ask is I dunno if the transistors do most of the work or just help out the TDA a bit with the excess.

Thanks in advance

yes !!! tda 2030 should be on the same heatsink since this way you will get some thermal protection ...if heatsink gets to warm will shut down ....

but really there is no point to put this kind of transistors ....a pair of bd 249-250 or bd 907 or bd 911-12 will do the same work and fit better even tip 3055-2955 will work better

dont expect to much power from this .....something like 45w @ 4 ohms .... but can drive strange loads and sounds quite ok ....

is your application run on normal power sup or split power sup ......??????

( since iveseen this before but never seen it on split power sup )

to my understanding ...bridging these two amps will provide no more than 70w @8 R ....meaning not really the double at 4 ohm ..... so in this case yes you do need a seriously big cap in the output ....

i wouldnt built this though ...... if you want power chip amplifier then built an stk amplifier ......

strange but listen to this ...for one application i runed from split power sup 2 tda 2030 bridged ( no external transistor ) so on bench and with dummy resistive load and some 20+20 volts this could easily produce more than 50w @8R but in practice with reactive load like a speaker this dropped amazing alot ....distortion come out plus sound was crappy any way ....

so put it on and let us know
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