ta 2020 amps which to buy

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Best Mini TA2020 Class T Stereo Amplifier,WIMA ELNA Cap - eBay (item 260712645493 end time Jan-02-11 05:55:21 PST)

I have a lepia t-amp after reading the thread on it I have come to the conculsion that the amp is not ideal unmodded. I would upgrade it, but everything I read about it just flys over my head. Looking for something decent under 50 bucks with or without a case. Could assemble, but it would need to have clear instruction.

MKIII Tripath TA2020 PCB 25watt Class-T amplifier SET - eBay (item 250745122737 end time Jan-18-11 18:07:34 PST)

compared to the markIII is it alot better?

That I really can't comment on as I've not tried it but from other threads on the board, the Lepai's seems like they need modding to get the optimal sound from them. That's what you avoid with a kit. If you want "better"* components the ones used you just add them when you build it instead of having to solder out components and solder in new ones.

*By "better" I actually just mean higher priced components. I don't think that besides from the input caps there isn't anything you could change that would actually be better.
cool thanks that is what I thought. I think I'll go with the helder markIII just because it's well built and comes with everthing I need. Like connector wires volume knob. . .

How are these best mini and the toppings this ebay store is selling they look nice, but i know nothing about electronics. The best mini would be 55 shipped so I would much rather get that if it's pretty decent.

thanks for you insight much appreciated.
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