Swap Meet Multiple Posts from Single User

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Joined 2009
Paid Member
Currently, there are many users who create simultaneous new threads for each product they are selling. There are some others, like myself, who are also selling multiple items at the same time but consolidate all of them in a single thread. Is it possible to ask users to consolidate their for sale items in a single thread if they are selling them at the same time? The problem is that these multiple individual threads then get constantly bumped by the users and knock other threads further down the order.

Maybe a time limit, like two weeks, between multiple new threads from a single user in the swap meet forum should be put in place. Users should be encouraged to consolidate items in a single thread rather than crowd out other threads. The current functioning of the swap meet forum is being used to gain unfair advantage by allowing multiple threads to be created simultaneously by a single user.

The current functioning of the swap meet forum is being used to gain unfair advantage by allowing multiple threads to be created simultaneously by a single user.
It's not obvious that some folks are trying to gain unfair advantage.

It's possible that some sellers just thought it was much less confusing -which it is - for potential buyers if different items are posted in different threads.
I never check out the 'Lots of great stuff for sale!!!' posts but a '325-0-325 power transformer $25' would get my attention.

An alternate 'solution' to the problem described would be to prohibit 'garage sale' posts and require each different item (or at least item type - let's list the heat sinks separately from the tubes) to be listed separately and properly named in the post title. I'd be in favor of that.

This is an active forum, and I think most users are accustomed to checking out Pages 2,3,4 etc. or using the search function so I don't see the problem. Also, legitimate questions/answers/negotiations in a 'For Sale' sub-forum thread don't constitute 'bumping' in my book.
Maybe it's not obvious. But it's certainly more work to maintain multiple threads, don't you think? The way I see it, the only reason to go that route when you are selling multiple items is to stay on top of the heap.

My habits are different from yours. I enjoy browsing the 'garage sale' threads. I don't like seeing 5 different for sale threads crowding the page from the same guy.

Prohibiting garage sale ads is completely backwards, IMHO. I want to help keep the forum clean and healthy. Creating a bunch of threads is not the way to go. Also, if I am selling 20 items, do I create 20 threads?

Legitimate questions are not thread bumping, I agree. I don't mind people bumping their threads either, as long as it's not super aggressive bumping, like twice a day. Page 2 and back don't get as much attention as the first page.

The only reason to create multiple for sale threads simultaneously is to attract attention at the cost of others. Let's see what the mods have to say. Thanks for your post, I can see there are different points of view.
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But it's certainly more work to maintain multiple threads, don't you think? The way I see it, the only reason to go that route when you are selling multiple items is to stay on top of the heap.

I'm imagining the scenario where one person lists 5 items in a 'garage sale' post and a second person lists in 5 different posts.
Suppose each item gets one follow-up post per day.
Won't the 'garage sale' thread be at the top of the 'new posts' list more often & more consistently?
There's probably some math that could be involved in this sort of problem analysis...🙂

I do see both points of view. I also don't see any problem in single threads for multiple items in the same 'category' - a bunch of different tubes or a bunch of transformers, etc.
It's not obvious that some folks are trying to gain unfair advantage.

It's possible that some sellers just thought it was much less confusing -which it is - for potential buyers if different items are posted in different threads.
I never check out the 'Lots of great stuff for sale!!!' posts but a '325-0-325 power transformer $25' would get my attention.

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