Suggestions for RIAA Filter Caps?

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Having tried a search, there seems to be little consensus on the issue, so I hope you can forgive me for starting another thread.

I'm not so interested in what people think sounds good to their ears - I prefer to make my own mind up, but I would appreciate it if you guys had any suggestions.

The caps I've been using for years have all either been discontinued due to the wretched ROHS law, or the OEM has been swallowed up by a large corporation and parts for audio buffs are discontinued.

I've tried various WIMA PP caps and don't care for them massively.

Panasonic and Vishay MKP-series are ok, but I'm interested in knowing of anything slightly more 'off radar'.

I'd prefer a 1% tolerance if possible. Teflon would be interesting if not too expensive and with tight tolerance.

Any suggestions?

Thanks in advance,

peranders said:
Choose physically small polyprop caps. You can also search for somebody with a good LCR bridge (you could have asked me before (not now) because then I had a 0.025% instrument).

Here you have 1% caps (don't forget to switch to english)

Hi Per-Anders

After an extensive search for 1 year ago, finally i resulted in three online stores:
1) From ELFA.SE i order polypropylene foil capacitors either SCR or WIMA and LCR.
2) From Farnell Export.UK i order electrolytic capacitors, polystyrene LCR, and silvered mica caps.
3) From Selectronic.FR polystyrene (styroflex) caps, silvered mica, and the difficult to find WIMA miniature MKP2 from 10nF to 100nF at 100V.

Thanks for the suggestions guys - much appreciated.

P-A - are you suggesting I use small caps to prevent parasitic noise pickup? A pro designer I know criticises me for this reason if I use a larger cap than necessary. I took some advice on this issue @ Bruno Putzeys' forum, and a member showed a picture of a Sony valve-microphone, where Sony had fitted a screening can around a large cap to prevent noise.

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