subwoofer plate-amp

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I just build a new case to go with my 300watt subwoofer. But, it isn't amplified.
so I would need a plate-amp to connect to the pre-out on my receiver right?
I now have stereo horn speakers and want to have more bass so that's where the woofer came in. I'm from belgium so buying one in america will be very costly with shipping right? anyone suggestions on getting one not too expensive for my woofer?
(I'm completely new in all this so please keep it simple and forgive me any errors)
sorry but what is SPL? and are there other ways to get better bass. because a friend of my has exact the same speakers as I have but he mounted fostex units in them and they are much better but the bass is almost completely gone. I was planning om upgrading my speakers to fostex but didn't want to lose my bass. So are there any other options for increasing bass?
There are dedicated sections in the Forum for horn speakers and for subwoofers where Fostexs are regular guests. You could try a different horn design for the Fostex. Or have a look at a horn subwoofer that harmonizes with your speaker.

And yes, the Reckhorn amps are very good, and there are bad cheap plate amps. On the other hand not all plate amps are cheap and bad.
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