Strange things calculating Vb

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I've searched the forum, but I haven't found answer to my question.. I have some drivers from few years ago and I want to make new enclosures and crossovers for them. But, when I started calculating required volume I got totally confused. JBL Speaker Shop says that I nedd 46.65 liters enclosure for Qtc of 1.0 ... Just to check I did some searching on Google and found some calculator which gave me exactly the same results..But on second website calculator showed that I need 80l enclosure...On some 3rd site calculator there said that I need 77l enclosure...Which one is correct? My driver is: Vas 39 liters, Qts 0.82 Qes 0.99 Qms 4.73 Fs 35Hz, 4Ohm.

Thanks in advance,


P.S. Sorry to start my first post with question 🙂
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