stacking cores

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I am about to stack two Amidon T130-3 iron powder cores for a high power class d amp project and i wonder if there is a simple way to calculate out number of turns required for a ~25µH inductor.

Or if i can approximate it by choosing a core of twice the size in mini ring core calculator ?

Im gonna assume its not just as simple as taking a T130-3 in mini ring core calculator and halve the amount of turns for two cores stacked, or is it ?

Theres a total of four cores that will be stacked 2 and 2 for a BTL UcD running around 150-200kHz switching frequency using four IRFP150 at 2x45V rails.
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Im gonna assume its not just as simple as taking a T130-3 in mini ring core calculator and halve the amount of turns for two cores stacked, or is it ?

By double stacking two cores you will double the AL value.
Means with unchanged number of turns you will get double inductance.
In order to get the same inductance like with N turns on an unstacked core, you will need to reduce N by factor sqrt(2)=1.41 on the double stacked.
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