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Sowter 9395 TVC For Sale

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Hello DIYaudio

For sale is a pair of Sowter 9395 transformers. These have 50db of range, and +6, +12db taps on the primary.

They are unused. I bought them for a project that has moved in other directions.

I would like $300 including shipping and paypal fees. I have not conducted many trades/sales (or even posts!) on this forum, but feel free to check my feedback on several others:

But wait theres more!
If you act now I'l throw in not a single deck, but a 2 deck 24position Elma switch! Thats right, 2 transformers, 1 high quality 2-deck switch, one low price! I should note that the switch is a shorting switch, and sowter recommends a non-shorting switch. What can I say, it came with the transformers.
I have the wiring diagram and will include it. There are 3 primary connections plus ground: 0db (normal) +6db, +12db. You would need a 2p3t switch to select them on the fly.

Im pretty sure that the shorting/non shorting switch recommendation is so that the source does not see the load drop suddenly. While testing these for my project (they have great bandwidth, but dont do single ended in/balanced out 🙁 I return to lame resistive attenuators) I shorted the leads letting them hang around on my bench several times. Once the nest of wires was separated everything returned to normal instantly.
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