Soundstream Class A 10.2 clipping and no sound

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I am having another issue with my SS Class A 10.2, as soon as the remote wire turns on the amp, it goes into clipping mode, and both red clipping lights light up. If I unplug the RCA's or the speaker wire it still stays lit. I get no sound, I dial back the voltage knob from 5 to .3 and nothing. Any suggestions on where to start, I pulled the board apart and it looks clean, no blown/discolored parts.

It hasn't been used in 5+ years, and I've had it since it was brand new. I might try the new heat sink compound and see if that fixes it. Can I test it on a 3A power supply without the heat sink attached? I think I read somewhere the motherboard/rail was grounded to each other so that would work...

Thanks in advance.
Heat is what destroys components that are not clamped to the heatsink. Even with a 3 amp supply, semiconductors can easily overheat if not clamped to the heatsink.

The term 'rail' is generally used to refer to the power supplies that feed the output transistors and sometimes the low voltage regulated rail (±15v). It's best if that term is not used for anything else.

Do you have a scope?
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