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Sony TTS-4000 for restoration

Joined 2014
Paid Member
I have a Sony TTS-4000 direct drive turntable that I purchased for restoration. I'm moving in September and need to make room (we're downsizing). This is sold as-is with no returns or guarantee. The seller said it works but I haven't tested it. I believe it's complete - i.e. no missing parts.

I did do some research on this table. It's fairly well regarded direct drive and much better than the TTS-2000 I also have for sale. Recently I saw one listed at $1000 (seems a bit high to me). I'd recommend replacing all the electrolytic capacitors - these early direct drives need this done to preserve the early logic.

The armboard clearly needs to be replaced but this is easy since it's a removeable armboard. I can probably make you another one if needed.

I'm asking $200 plus actual shipping cost.

I have several tonearms that could be paired with the table.

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