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Single Lowther Acousta Cabinet in London

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Single early Lowther Acousta cabinet is looking for a home. It's in pretty good condition, considering its age, with only a few marks. As you can see from the picture, it's a pretty unusual example that has a strange looking flared decorative frame around its front. It's the early, deeper type.

Have had it for a while in the hope that I will build a mono system out of it. Unfortunately I have too much on my plate and a backlog of 2-3 audio projects that are a priority over this and as I have another two Acoustas in my living room, my girlfriend and brother (who I live with) are rapidly losing tolerance, so it has to go. Spent around £80 to buy and bring it down to London, but as this was part of a purchase of 4 cabinets and I am also hoping to see it go fast, I'm happy to take £40 for it.

Alternatively, could be interested in a swap with bits and bobs you have in the back of your fun drawer or offer it as part payment for a pair of SE output transformers and/or suitable power transformers for a forthcoming SE project.

Pick up from east London. If you want to arrange delivery elsewhere, happy to discuss and help with arrangements, but can tell you that it's very expensive - looked into it when I bought this and I decided to rent a car and drive in the end.


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