Similar Beveridge Emitter, сomponents made of entirely different.

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alexberg, Yep. Alex Krotov have working emitter. Переведи за меня. Мы сделали это, один статор, в котором работает только одна из всех перемычка (смотрим видео) легко удерживает 0,28 грамм, посчитать, сколько их не трудно. Решётки на манер Бевериджа готовы. Аллюминия кусок - потому что плёнка лавсановая у нас металлизирована аллюминием, на неё подаётся переменное напряжение а на статоры постоянное.
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alexberg, Yep. Alex Krotov have working emitter. Переведи за меня. Мы сделали это, один статор, в котором работает только одна из всех перемычка (смотрим видео) легко удерживает 0,28 грамм, посчитать, сколько их не трудно. Решётки на манер Бевериджа готовы. Аллюминия кусок - потому что плёнка лавсановая у нас металлизирована аллюминием, на неё подаётся переменное напряжение а на статоры постоянное.
OK guys, since I am familiar (through the other forum) with this work, some translation will be useful and was asked for.
The idea was/is to use of low resistance diaphragm a la Beveridge. It took them 4, yes four!, years to come up with the proper mixture for a high resistivity stator using carbon black, epoxy and barium titanate. Electrostatic force of the stator with just one small working piece as seen on video is 280 milligrams at 5 kV bias. One can easily count the total number of pieces in the lattice/grill to figure out the total force attainable. And yes they have made panels a la Beveridge. Double side metalized PET film is used as a diaphragm. Signal is applied to it and bias to the stators as always.
The trick of high bias voltage is in a particular conductivity of the stators surface and bulk wise as well as permittivity in order not to loose AC signal without having air brake down.
As far as I know Beveridge panels do have rather substantial but controlled leakage current.


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Silly idea: Put opposing bias on opposite sides of a film, and ground both stators.
Drive in parallel both sides of the film (cap coupled together of course).
Obvious concern, 5000V might be asking a bit much of such a film.

I've never done anything over 1200V, and in vacuum, so definitely do not know
what I'm talking about here. Just shooting the bull.
Silly idea: Put opposing bias on opposite sides of a film, and ground both stators.
Drive in parallel both sides of the film (cap coupled together of course).
Obvious concern, 5000V might be asking a bit much of such a film.

I've never done anything over 1200V, and in vacuum, so definitely do not know
what I'm talking about here. Just shooting the bull.

first of thanks for the translation Alex. so this invention is an inverted esl ala FINAL. it should gain more efficiency and distortion then a normal esl.

you can indeed using 2 opposite charged plates if the gap can handle 5Kv- 5Kv + so 10 Kv 🙂

for safety reasons an inverted esl can made more cheaply, i am not sure whwy they took 2 years to come up with something with carbon blak. .... sicne it is the most used coating in esl's for a long long time. carbon black is easily mixed into plastics as coloring and or filler that can be made conductive this way. also you are not limited in thickness nor wight it should be easy to make a coating that works in this conditions 🙂

im curious how much more efficient they are and how bad there distortion is compared to a normal esl. another benefit is that getting nicely evenly metalized film is pretty easy 🙂 is there anything know about the conductivity of that film ?

another difficulty is sigmentation. of the mylar itself to increase dispersion
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it's always easier said then done. How long did it take Beveridge or Walker to develop working and reliable unit? It took 2 years and exorbitant amount of money for Edison to make first real incandescent lamp although the vacuum envelope and filament as well as overall design was pretty much known. These guys are hobbyists working on weekends without any resources but salaries. For instance they've made 2000 samples to get the proper mix. There is a reason nobody has replicated Beveridge speaker also the patent has expired quite a while ago. It well might be that Beveridge just got lucky and made one right from the first try.
Hello. My English is poor. I can only read. I was fascinated by the idea of creating 4 years ago. I have a composite sample. Make a composite of the patent can not be guided. There's a lot hidden. To repeat the need coconut activated carbon and resin with a high shrinkage. Electrical resistance should be high coal. If we apply the filler with a low electric resistance is a varistor. In a strong field is broken. There will conducting channels. In a weak field, the carbon chains have a break. Barium titanate I do not use. There is another method of creating a space charge. Video shows polarization composite. My other composite composition. The properties of cocoa has a prototype.
I'm sorry, I don't want to be rude. And I can imagine it takes time to get it perfect, like walker.

So the stator needs a very high resistance but still be able to charge up.

What resistance are we looking at ? In the test for instance ? I tried to find something more about the beveridge driver , although I did nod find much about working versions, yet.

Also would like to know any benefits vs a normal esl. If I remember correct efficiency is one of them but. How much? And what else is a reason to invert the design?

Just curious
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working emitter layout and working tube amplifier
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