SE to Balanced pre question

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Trying to get an answer from a vendor is near impossible...

I need a line booster of sorts to boost the signal from my minidsp to my amps (UCD400)
Output of minidsp is .9vrms, I need 2vrms minimum.

Will this board do the job? I know it has balanced out puts but I just need to use it as a single ended output. If so, which terminals do I connect for single ended output?


Unbalanced TO Balanced Stereo Preamplifier FOR BTL | eBay
I don't think that is what you need.
You said you need 900mVac increased up to 2000mVac.
That requires a gain of ~+7dB (2.2times).

you could build Juma gain stage for +6dB.
This gain can be adjusted slightly to +7dB or even +9dB if you want that.
Alternatively, change the gain of the Power Amplifier so that sensitivity is increased from 2000mVac to 900mVac. A single resistor change may be all that is required.
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