SB17NRX2C35-8 not reliable specs!

As long as the ratios of Fs/Qts and the products of Vas x Fs2 are fairly close, the drivers will work pretty much the same in the same enclosure. For instance, if your measurements show both Fs and Qts to be ~20% higher than the published values, and at the same time your measured Vas was ~40% lower than the published value, you'd be pretty much good to go. Still all of us would like to see published specs that truly represent those of the drivers we buy.
...but also when the driver is fresh out the box, or after ?

After about 80-100 hours of break in using low frequency sine (5Hz-Fs of driver) with pauses in between. Initially I set volume to low, so the driver moves 2mm at most and in a day or so increase power but still keep excursion below its xmax. Usually flexes out a unit much faster but I leave them for some 3-4 days.
Let the driver cool before measuring.
your nominal impedance looks about 2 ohms higher (~ 9ohms) than the manufacturers (~ 7 ohms). This could also result in artificially amplifying the resonance peak in s/w calculations. Are you using a calibration / series resistor? check value
I am unsure whether manufacturer measurement is on IEC baffle or free air. use same conditions
measure driver vertically - without back reflections (clamp magnet). laying a driver down on a board will not yield the same result