Rplacement/repair of Infinity EMIT tweeters

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I have a pair of Infinity Sigma reference speakers which I have used with Krell 250 monoblocks for about 15 years. Over time the speakers have lost their crispness and I have noted that the sound of one of EMIT tweeters had become very muffled. My researches on the internet suggested that the problem was most probably due to dislodgement of the magnets or the fracturing of a solder joint both of which could be easily repaired so I set out to tackle the job last night. The dullest sounding tweeter had a cracked plastic housing so I decided to try it first.
The exercise turned into a disaster at the outset. As went to remove the 2nd mounting screw the Allan key was ripped from my fingers by the powerful magnets and punctured the diaphragm. Now fully committed I completed the disassembly of the unit. As far as I could see but for my damage it was in pristine condition. The magnets were intact and in place but the thin yellow felt like material covering the magnets was fluffy and loose so that it rubbed off as I handled the unit. I am left wondering if this could be the cause of the poor performance of the tweeter because I could see nothing else that appeared wrong.
I am now looking for advice on the following:

  • · Where can I source a replacement tweeter – the unit has no model numbers but I hope the attached pictures can help identify it.
  • · What is the likely cause of the poor performance of the tweeters? They are 15 years old but show no obvious signs of damage. Is there anybody who services/restores EMIT speakers?


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You could also check on ebay. I bought some stuff from a guy nearby who had an IRS system. He told me that he bought another IRS system from a guy who was a total idiot.
What made him an idiot? He didn't like those wing like sides on the emit towers so he sawed them off! Anyhow, guy told me that he bought the speakers from idiot for $1500 and ebay'ed off all the emits.
This was about a year ago, I think.
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