Rotel RCD965BX schematics

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Hi All
I sent the book of to jnewbold
I really don't have time to send it to every one as I am in the throws of closing and moving into a new house.
My internet conection at home will be disconected today or tomorrow also.
Perhaps Joe could post it to an ftp or some thing for everyone else.
Its a fairly large set of 18 jpg files.
Was wondering if one of you kind folks could e-mail me a copy of the service manual please? Plugged in my old 965BX today which I haven't used regularly for over 10 years (apart from a brief period last year when I replaced the op-amps to OPA227s) and was surprised how good the performance was.

My e-mail is: m**et (take out the two *s)

Many thanks.

- John
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