Rod Elliot 100W PCB Layout

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Rod has made it pretty clear that his PCB layouts are not available. In all other respects, he has made his intellectual property open to all.
I would ask that any others who have bought Rod's boards respect his request not to pass on a PCB layout.
so if shipping is twice the cost of it, compare that to the rest of the material costs? Transformers, caps , heatsinks , components.?
Not to mentioning casing.

It is only an fraction of the total cost, and I personally think it is quite rude to ask for it here , more or less right at the face of mr Elliot. He has made a hell of work (+++) with his homepage and I grate him very much the AU$ he can make from it.

But you can always do your own PCB layout...

Thanks guys

Your honesty and support are much appreciated.

bugbite2k says that postage is twice the cost of the board, but this is not the case, since I have rationalised all postal costs, so it is actually quite cheap (AU$8.00 to anywhere in the world). Compare that with the costs from most US companies - ouch!

So bugbite2k, you can order a board, or design your own (the performance will probably not be the same though, since the layout makes a big difference to the sound of an amplifier.

Cheers, Rod

Hi Guy's

I agree with you, if you can't be bother to make one then you goto buy it, I realised the same problem as you the cost of postage. So what i did was ordered all the boards I fancied building (2 x 3A's , 1 x Project 9, and 1x Project 68). The boards are them selves dirt cheap unlike some other websites i have seen and well made, so it is worth buying them

I finished building a 3a last night.

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