Rockford T1000-1bd

This amp will not power up, just makes a clicking sound. I removed the pwm card because I saw no square wave on the gate pad of the power supply FET's.

The power supply FET's, gate resistors, and drivers test good. I replaced it with a known good pwm card and same result.

With the pwm card removed should the amp draw 40 amps of current and the power supply FET's get hot? This is happening with only power and ground hooked up.
Connect only remote and ground. Does the drive signal look OK?

The pulldown transistors are on the driver board. If you want to power it up without the driver board, connect a resistor (any value) between the gate and source of one FET in each bank to prevent the FETs from conducting.
Is this board multi-layered? When the card was de-soldered I push side ways on it and powered with ground and remote only. I had 5volts at gate legs and square wave.

After soldering the card in I have nothing. No vias were damaged from my removal of the card. I don't know if it was removed prior to me getting the amp. It just makes the clicking noise. I can't determine where its coming from at this time.
Pin 1: 3.288
Pin 2: 0.000
Pin 3: 2.613
Pin 4: 3.140
Pin 5: 3.283
Pin 6: 0.001
Pin 7: 0.001
Pin 8: 0.038
Pin 9: 2.098
Pin 10: 1.366
Pin 11: 0.002
Pin 12: 1.114
Pin 13: 0.002
Pin 14: 13.61
Pin 15: 0.001
Pin 16: 0.002
Pin 17: 13.61
Pin 18: 3.273
I didn't find any strands of wire.

The only work I did was the output inductor. It had a cold solder joint and vibrated loose. It was arcing out and burned a hole in the board. I repaired the hole with new copper and re-soldered the output inductor back to the board.

Everything else looks original.