Rockford Fosgate T-2500-1BDCP

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Hi all,

After several months of absence on here, I return with an amplifier that I bought.

Well, just open it, I found that spark, on the right belongs to the power supply, the MOSFET is shorted, and further research should I get.
I've also found a capacitor, with its welding "suspicious"

Is it the view that there will be something else besides that burned?


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Well with my experience with these amps, you will have to change the gate resistors, and you will also have to change the drivers on the pwm board. I have been using the IRFP064N's with 47 ohm gate resistors as a sub for the original parts, or you can use original parts.

Obviously you will want to check the outputs for a shorted one.

Check rail voltage.

Check all regulated voltage throughout the amp.

Check the MJD44's and MJD45's and the LM5110's next to the bd output card.

Check caps and op-amps on the various driver boards.
Thank you for answering me and help me, Sean, has every reason in the world, there are four short IRFP260N mosfet, but drivers do not give me short, (MJD 44H11, right?), Should I replace them too?

I will try to get the originals, and I'll make the order parts as soon as possible.
Until I reach the parts, I can not connect to the tensions post ....
Well, I've received the parts I ordered.

But now I've found, again, more transistors and diodes in short ... ggrrr,,, (this happens to me for not having a good look around ...)

D2012, D2011, Q2017, Q2016, and Q2018, the latter, marked as 2Q7, can not find your reference true, to ask ... do you know he is, Sean?

Do you think that might be bad also, the LM'S?


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Well, today I ended up getting my missing parts to come.

Yes, Sean, 2Q is MMBT5087, thanks for clearing that up.

The diodes 2011 and 2012 were not burned.

Made all the checks before connecting, surprisingly, works perfectly!
I never thought it was that easy, I always suspected some LM, or in the worst case circuit protection, but, just as well, I'm happy.

Thanks again, Seankane, and Perry, by the wise counsel, I will always be grateful.
Best regards and see you soon.
Hello, again

Yesterday, making minor adjustments sound this amp, I have detected what I think is a small anomaly.

It is this:

First: When I disconnect the RCA input cables, and audio signal present in them, first connect one (for example, red) and then the other (white) no difference, when there is only one connected is not appreciated .
That is, to an RCA, the sound is the same with both RCAS.

Second: Without connecting the input wires, and playing with fingers shield the amplifier inputs, the speaker is heard, rrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmm, as when the center pin audio input is played in any amplifier.

Is this normal? my do not think so ....

I have checked the six input electrolytic capacitors (see photo) and give me a somewhat lower values ​​are 10uF and mark 8.60 or 8.70 uf

What say?


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It's normal for the level to be the same with either one RCA plugged in or with two RCAs plugged in.

It's common for the smaller amps to pick up noise when the shields are touched. I've never tried it on the 2500. The input circuit is (on the smaller amps - and probably on this amp) balanced so the shields drive essentially the same type of circuit as the center conductor.
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