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Rifa PHE426 6.8uf 250V MKP polypropylene capacitors (Similar to Wima MKP10)

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Hi All,

I have a surplus of ~60pcs of Rifa PHE426 6.8uf 250V MKP polypropylene capacitors.

6.8uF is an excellent value for coupling signal out of a CD player or pre-amp etc - or can be used as a very high quality supply voltage decoupling capacitor, of course.

Lead pitch is 27.5mm. Case body size is 30mm wide, 27mm tall and 17mm deep (front to back). PCB leads. NOS, Made in Finland. Similar to Wima MKP10, etc.

Offered in lots of 8 caps for GBP12.00 per lot (= just GBP1.50 each!).
7 lots available. (Offered/sold on 'first to pay gets 'em' basis)

Datasheet (Rifa now owned by Kemet)

Postage/Shipping: UK GBP2.00, Europe GBP4.50 (airmail), All other destinations GBP5.50 (airmail)
(Of course, I can give a better combined shipping rate per lot on more than one lot)

Please register you interest in this thread and send me a PM if you'd like some.



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