Ribbon magnetic design

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Joined 2002
Just wondering about the ribbon loudspeakers and the magnetic design, it is possible to make a magnetic configuration that increase the force without using of neodymium magnets.

And if it is possible to use neodymium magnets to make a better design as the neo mags has more force just to overcome some costs of buying a lage amount of ferrite mags as the neo mags tends to go down in price, And if it is worth the effort to use neo mags i a quasi ribbon design like the Apogee as the resulting BL produkt may not show some effect on the output.

Maybe one have to use very strong neo mags and decrease the air gap.

I have seen very many obscure magnetic designs but the resluting BL factor does not show some big difference so... maybe some other better design idéas needs.🙂
I have contemplated making some ribbon drivers myself for a long time. Toward that end, I have been buying/scrounging old computer HDDs to cannibalize them for the neodymium magnets that are part of the head positioning mechanism. A drive typically costs $1 and it takes about 10 minutes to get the magnets out.

I am slowly building up a pile of the magnets waiting for the day when I have time to use them. Int he mean time, they make dandy refrigerator magnets- they NEVER fall off.


I have been in the ribbon business for a while, the big problem is how to make a good magnetic circuit I mean how to get the best from the neo mags, I have done som research and I understand that the BL produkt will not increase so much with neo mags it seems that the nature is the limit.

One have to understand that the BL produkt is at least two components that is in major the resistance of the ribbon membrane and the magnetic circuit.

Now, can any give some tip on how to increase the magnetic gap force the Tesla value, the resistance of the ribbon must of course
held so much L as it can without getting to heavy, but it seems that the ribbons is at its maximum and it is very hard to make a ribbon with more Al strips then say 6 strips on each ribbon it makes about 23 mm and the pratical lenght is about 1300mm.

I'm talking about quasi ribbons made of plastic film and Al strips laminated to the plastic film like the Apooge tweeters.
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