RGB to Scart cable for DVD; What am I doing wrong?

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I have tried to build an RGB to Scart cable to use with my Rotel DVD player and Loewe Xelos TV. Finished my first version but my TV maintains "no signal".

This is what I have done:

I obtained the SCART pinouts from www.hardwarebook.net and found the pins for RGB and associated grounds (6 in total). I then simply soldered 1 Coax for each color with the center for color and the braid for ground. I used generic RCA of reasonable quality on the DVD side.

I have measured the cable and all lines are "through".

Any help in solving this issue or a pointer in the right direction is greatly appreciated.

Thanks from a newbie.
Ergo, tvi,

thanks for your answers. I have not connected anything to the other pins and that is something where I thought I was going wrong but was also unsure what to do. I'll follow the links, study some more and report back on progress.
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