resistor size difficulty

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Hi and thanks for reading this post.

I have a few blown one watt resistors i want to replace in my power amp and have been on mouser, digikey, farnell etc but cannot find sizes small enough.

I have just 8.5mm in width on the board so am thinking about using surface mount resistors as these are available in smaller packages.

Do you think this is a wise move switching from through hole to surface mount, has anyone done this and what are your experiences concerning sound quality changes.

Many thanks in advance. John.
Hi. Thanks for the replies, much appreciated.

I am really after advice concerning switching from through hole resistors to surface mount, is this possible from a sound quality point of view, has anyone done this and what were the results..

Thanks. John.
Hi. Thanks for the replies.

I've found a few surface mount resistors on mouser but cannot understand the datasheet, usually when purchasing through hole resistors i look for descriptions such as low noise or military or suitable for audio etc but there is no mention.

Does anyone understand datasheets better than me or has an opinion on the caddock mk 132 series,vishay dralorik crcw-hp, vishay wsc/wsn series.

Are these suitable for audio amps.

Thank you. John.
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