Recommend me a cheap NPN power transistor

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So, just asking recommendations for a cheap output transistor (NPN). What it should be:

-Preferrably plastic case, like TO-218 or TO-3P
-60W-100W power dissipation
-Decent SOA
-Reasonable voltage and current ratings

And what it does NOT need to be:

-Japanese 😛
-Complementary pair is not necessary
Mexican big guns

lot of bang for the buck, on Semi MJL21193, 21194 complimentary. TO-264 package, which is a one screw plastic mount. SOA (safe operating area) 2.25 A 80V 1 sec. Complete datasheet at Vce 250 V, Ic 16 A, hfe min 25 @ 8A. .7 degC/W. Was in stock at mouser last time I ordered, under $6 if I remember correctly. Got this from another guy on here, haven't bought any yet but pleased with MJ15015 TO3's made in Mexico I did buy recently at $1.60. Was shocked at the Vce, but apparantly ON is producing lot bigger SOA at 60V on 250V parts than they do in 100V parts, with no particular penalty of reduction in gain or Ft. As far is $1.60 vs $6, probably worth it to not drill 4 precise holes in the heat sink, just one. The one hole package fits my salvage motor drive heat sinks (ribbed .5" spacing) which TO3 does not.
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How much gain? How much voltage?

Gain doesn't matter that much, voltage should be at least 60V, or preferrably a bit higher.

lot of bang for the buck, on Semi MJL21193, 21194 complimentary. TO-264 package, which is a one screw plastic mount. SOA (safe operating area) 2.25 A 80V 1 sec. Complete datasheet at Vce 250 V, Ic 16 A, hfe min 25 @ 8A. .7 degC/W. Was in stock at mouser last time I ordered, under $6 if I remember correctly.

$6 isn't particularly cheap, though. You can get MJ15003 and the MJ15015 you mentioned for less than $2 a pop in eBay.. It's TO-3, but still. I would imagine that TO-218 or such is cheaper package.
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2SC5200 is probably on the higher side of "cheap", but still not too expensive.

Digi-Key - 2SC5200OTU-ND (Manufacturer - 2SC5200OTU)

This place has the SGS version for $1.20, but I can't vouch for the credibility of this vendor.....

2SC5200 NPN 230V 15A 150W Hi-Fi Amplifier

EDIT: They have the Toshiba version as well for $1.50.....

Shop is based in Thailand, but google shows some happy customers from them. Shipping is dirt cheap.
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