Reciever Chips by ADI or T.I

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I have build these DACs using AD1865, and a USB dac using PCM2906 and am really impressed with their quality, although i do have CS8412, 8414, 8415 and 8416 recievr chips yest i was wondering that are there any reciver chips of the quality of cirrus CS841X by Analog Devices or Texas INstrumnets (appologies for my ignorance) however i have tried searching their websites but I havent found any... reason is that companies who have made beauties like AD1865, or PCM290x must have receiver chips to compete CS841X series ans i would like to try them...
TI's DIR1703 is still available from a few suppliers (Digikey being one it seems). But while it has better specs globally than the CS84** serie and doesn't require many external components, it was discontinued recently due to some problems (iirc, it had problem switching between frequencies). Problems are documented on the forum, you can judge for yourself if the chip is suitable for your uses or not.
abidr said:
I have build these DACs using AD1865, and a USB dac using PCM2906 and am really impressed with their quality, although i do have CS8412, 8414, 8415 and 8416 recievr chips yest i was wondering that are there any reciver chips of the quality of cirrus CS841X by Analog Devices or Texas INstrumnets (appologies for my ignorance) however i have tried searching their websites but I havent found any... reason is that companies who have made beauties like AD1865, or PCM290x must have receiver chips to compete CS841X series ans i would like to try them...

Why must they have receivers? As far as I am aware, there is nothing that obliges an IC manufacturer to make SPDIF Tx/Rx chips.
Mr rbfrw:
I dont know what so say about ur reply, well firstly i never asked u directly to answer my querry, even if u r the champion for the rights of chip manufacturers.
Thirdly I dont know how much u know about digital electronics, but the basic purpose of this forum is that those who know less about electronics should learn from the experinced people, not being humiliated or intimidated by the arrogant sort of reply posted by you.
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