question about baffle step correction

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I am working on a pair of front round tractrix type horns with fe126 drivers. The horns are 21 in in dia and will be mounted in a 24 x 48 baffle with 15'alpha's for bass. Will i need a bsc curcuit and if so how do i calculate it? Do i use the dia of the horn as the driver dia or the actuall driver dia itself.

Thanks for any help
Hi kennyhorn,

Speaking strictly as a newb: Horns actually produce gain, unlike narrow flat baffles. So the main concern is not baffle step loss, but what kind of gain your horn gives you (over what bandwidth). (And then the main concern becomes the crossover with the woofers).

You want to model your horn's bandwidth / gain to see the response. Imagining for a second that you could get 3 octaves of useful horn loading, if you could shift that gain around, where should you put them to get the response to flatten out? Then you have to fine-tune it.

In the end, you could use a circuit to further tame the high end but if you design the horn right, it all comes together with fewer parts.
thanks. I have done some listening experiments and played with some crossover combinations but still need more work there. I wasnt sure if the baffle step problem occured with horns mounted in a baffle. The gain is def bringing the fe126 to a louder level then the alpha 15's and will have to be attenuated. Thats providing i end up sticking with that driver.

I have tried others and am considering a couple more still.😀
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