Quasion on relay volume control

Hello all

I am on the way of designing and coding the relay volume control. I will use this resistor arrangement with 7 or 8 relays allow me to get 128 or 256 steps of attenuation. I use online calculator to get the resistor value to get more the 100 db attenuation.

My question is, with this resistor and relay arrangement, I notice that even at the lowest step/position which should be no signal out but at the lowest step it does not bring the output to ground like normal attenuator. Does it be completely silent at the first volume step? or I do need one relay to short the output to ground to make it silent?

Thank you for every help

Looking at the circuit diagram, the output is not zero at the first (last?) step.
In theory - not zero. In practice - complete silence, even with a step of only 1 dB, the maximum attenuation will be -64 dB. This is equivalent to reducing the amplifier's output power by more than two million times.
If the step is 1.5 dB - IMHO, this is more optimal than 1 dB - the reduction will already be -94 dB.