quad 66cd laser

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i own a quad 66cd player with a dead laser
nowhere to be found, i presume

is there any experience out there with replacement laser units?
cdm 4/19???
can i put in a complete inside of a philips cd 471???
cdm 4 and PCB?

will the display work?

does anyone know the specs of the light bulbs in the display print??

thx in advance

CD 66 uses CDM1MKII mechanics. You have to exchanege just the laser/arm from other player. Find working CD 371 or 471 of Philips and exchange just the laser/arm. Don't exchange the PCB as there are some tricks applied by Quad and with Philips board it won't sound that good any more.



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I had another look at the photo and it still looks like a cdm4 to me but that is unimportant. As posted above Quad are/were (not sure after the buy out) legendary with spares. I remember that in the earll 90's they could still offer packing cartons for 33 and 303 as spares!!!

I have done a few "bulb" replacements on back lit displays and using someone elses bulbs is always hit and miss in terms of wattage and shape and hence brightness and dispersion often resulting in "hot spots" on the display.

If Quad have the bulbs and they cost less then say GBP15, just get them.

quad 66cd

quad 66cd originally works with a cdm4/16
nowhere to be found

I managed to get the defective cd66 working with a cd380 motherboard and laser unit - cdm 4/19
the display doesn't function properly
the cdm 4/19 won't work on the quad MB.

a suggestion to use a cdm2 didn't work, the connectors on the MB are very different. maybe a cdm 4/11 can replace the 4/19???

I bought replacement bulbs at the Dutch quad dealer (TRANSTEC) not the screw in type, you have to solder them in. works fine!


anyone interested in the (working) quad66 motherboard??
I had another look at the photo and it still looks like a cdm4 to me but that is unimportant

No, it doesn't. The drewer is the one always used with CDM1/MKII. CDM 4/19 always have big oval grey rubbers to carry the disc, CDM4/11 has smll round and black rubbers close to begining of the disk (they don't touch recorded surface) and CDM1/MKII also have round rubbers, but they are bigger and they are located close to the end of recorded surface of the disk. The clamps also differ but that is another story...🙂
Re: quad 66cd

mgagestein said:
quad 66cd originally works with a cdm4/16
nowhere to be found

I managed to get the defective cd66 working with a cd380 motherboard and laser unit - cdm 4/19
the display doesn't function properly
the cdm 4/19 won't work on the quad MB.

a suggestion to use a cdm2 didn't work, the connectors on the MB are very different. maybe a cdm 4/11 can replace the 4/19???

I bought replacement bulbs at the Dutch quad dealer (TRANSTEC) not the screw in type, you have to solder them in. works fine!


anyone interested in the (working) quad66 motherboard??


I agree that the loader is similar to cdm1 mk2 (i compared the picture with my cd80). But cdm1 mk2 and cdm2 connectors are NOT very different, they look equal (not shure if they are pin compatible, but i guess they are).

Does the original transport have it's own pcb mounted under it ?
cdm1mk2 and cdm2 have. Looking at the picture i dont think there is space for one. If there was none, you probably have a flexifoil direct to the main pcb (like the 4/19 pcb)? A picture of the 4/16 would be nice! Hall motor or not?

As for fixing the 4/16: compare the laser HEAD with the cdm2 and the 4/19 and swap it with one of those (which looks like the best match). That is if it is the laser (disk motor and focus move).

PS: any difference in sound between the quad pcb and the philips one 😉
My expirence:

CDM 1/MKII's laser/arm/motor is just identical to CDM4/11 and it is a perfect match to exchange died laser of CDM1/MKII

CDM 2/10 though diffrent looking of the laser arm always works perfectly as a replacement of CDM 1/MKII, but the connecting tape is diffrent lenght so not always fits.

CDM 4/19 diffrent motor but the laser arm seems to be identical. But in my expirence in 50% cases it works in CDM 1/MKII and in 50% it doesn't for unknown reasons to me.

All the connecting tapes are always the same in all CDM 1/MKII/2 and CDM 4 family.
I had skipping problems with my second quad 66cd. I cleaned the lens, adjusted the pots, changed some caps, resolderd parts of the PCB. Sometimes I helped for a day or two, most of the time the skipping came back. I switched the laser arm, took it from a cd471. Problem persisted. Yesterday I dropped a liitle oil in the disc motor. It works! So far no problems! Is it that simple? ;-)
The only pictures I've seen of a CD66 show a CDM-4/11 or similar, not a CDM-1 Mk2. There's nothing wrong with swapping the RAFOC (laser swingarm) from a CDM-4/19 to a CDM-4/11.

Yesterday I dropped a liitle oil in the disc motor. It works! So far no problems! Is it that simple? ;-)

It can be. The swingarm must pivot with almost no resistance, if the bearings dry out it won't pivot properly and you'll get skipping.


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