Pyle PDMN-68s

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I just got a pair of Pyle PDMN-68s(2-way) with blown tweeters(one pc missing) from a friend.

I have been trying to search online to get the impedance and other spec for the tweeters, so that I can find a replacement. So far my efforts have been futile. It's a 1" soft dome tweeter.

It will be great of someone can provide me the impedance of the same...

It seems to use a second order cross over, with two inductors. Woofer measures DC imp 7OHM on DMM. So I consider it to be an 8OHM impedance.

Woofers just a have single coil in series like first order designs and tweeters are with a parallel coil, across the terminals after a series cap and a 2OHM, 5W resistor. Cap value is 6microFD. Values of the coils are unknown.

Anyway to guess the impedance of the tweeter in the original design?

Otherwise are the those 8" mid-bass drivers good for any DIY stuff?


6uF + coil of 0.4mH gives crossover of 3kHz.

Thanks Chris, but just to confirm, so 6uF + coil of 0.4mH gives a 3KHz cross-over on tweeter line with 10Ohm total DC resistance? I am asking this, because there is already a 2Ohm series resistor on the line...

If that is the case will I be able to use a 3.9Ohm(5W) resistor in series with a 4Ohm tweeter (with sufficiently low fs and 2200 -22K freq response) keeping the existing crossover?

Or could it be like the original tweeter is 5-6Ohm and the series resistor is there to bring the over all DC resistance to 8Ohm?

Sorry if my question is too stupid...

The tag on box says impedance 4-8Ohm over the freq range by the way...

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