Problems with Philips CD100

Hi folks,

i'm currently troubleshooting a friend's CD100 that has apparently been sitting in a basement unused for 10+ years.
When I first had a look at the unit, more or less nothing worked at all. After doing the most obvious thing (changing the caps in the power supply) the unit still wasn't working.
I then noticed that -18V rail was completely off, which I could trace back to diodes D6266, D6267 and D6268 all being defective. After changing them I now have beautiful -18V as well. After reading up on the CD100, I also changed the famous C2217. As everything was still all over the place, I changed all the blue Philips electrolytic caps in the unit, as my experience from restoring a PM3055 oscilloscope told me they would probably all be out of spec (measuring the removed caps showed me this suspicion was correct).

Now the unit still has a main problem remaining: The laser seems to focus and the CD starts to spin, however the process of reading TOC never seems to finish. It will just continue to spin forever while in this state, unresponsive to any button presses. So far i wasn't able to find the reason for this fault.

Having another check through the unit i noticed that the rails +12V/-12V are not on point, but at +11,8V/-12,2V. Disconnecting the Decoding PCB brings these voltages back to normal. Poking through everything connected to the 12V rail on the Decoding PCB i then noticed that IC6523 (Op Amp NE5532N for left channel) has 0V at output, so probably is defective. However, I would assume that this has nothing to do with reading of TOC and only with no sound output on that channel. Or could a defective IC6523 disturb the 12V rail enough to somehow affect other stuff connected to this rail?

I do not want to randomly change components on the decoding PCB before sorting out the TOC reading issue - can someone here provide me some insight?

I had my hopes up for a bit more in-depth advice. As I stated in my original post, I already replaced all the blue electrolytic caps within the device.
I have now replaced the NE5532 op amp on the left channel - the error persists, I still see 0V at pin 1 and pin 7. This leaves me puzzled, as the only obvious possible path to ground (to me) would be a shorted out C2618, which seems to be fine.
Hi. have you (you probably have) checked other threads about similar first gen Philips and Marantz (and other family) machines? I have found that changing the 33uf axial cap on the mech driver board has always done the trick (leaving the unit on for a few hours also helped.
What does the Eye pattern look like while reading toc? What about laser power? Should be about 0,12 mW or more. Some people say, that these Laser units never fail, but that´s a fairy tail.
does the the laser arm positioning still and stable (!) in toc (lead in) position? ( around 24mm from spindle center)
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