Preamp using MC33172N instead of OPA2134

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I wanted to put a preamp in my amplifier and stumbled upon the High Quialty Preamp on this page.

But it uses the OPA2134 and the problem is that my amplifier uses a +/- 20V power supply. I was wondering if I could replace the OPA2134 with the MC33172N because this op amp can run on +/-20V.
The MC33172 may tolerate higher supply voltages but the Data Sheet specs are inferior to the OPA2134 in the areas that matter to audio. You can probably find a high-performance audio opamp that is rated for +/-22V supplies, but I'd look into regulating your +/-20V rails down to a lower voltage.

This is very bad advice, BUT... In my experience, Ti's products are very conservatively rated. The OPA2134 is rated up to +-18V, I'm pretty sure it will work fine at 20V.
EEeeek! Make sure you have some spares!

Can't believe no one mentions OPA2604 😕

Made for audio
drive 600ohm

opa604 2604 sound quality.png

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. . . Can't believe no one mentions OPA2604
A very good choice! I knew there were some suitable parts out there but I was too lazy to wade through several selection guides when I suggested regulating the supply rails down to lower voltages. I think there are one or two "high-voltage" parts in the (formerly) National LMExxxx series, and I believe the time-tested NE5534/NE5532 can live with +/-20V supplies. And, they are cheap and easy to get!

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