A TECK Member Joined 2008 2008-03-01 10:23 pm #1 2008-03-01 10:23 pm #1 i have a lcd smartie but found out that i needed a port95nt 4 my windows pro x64 .can any1 help? Aidan135711 Member Joined 2008 2008-03-03 6:51 pm #2 2008-03-03 6:51 pm #2 You will never get that to work in XP 64bit,you should just sell it to me instead Status Not open for further replies.
Aidan135711 Member Joined 2008 2008-03-03 6:51 pm #2 2008-03-03 6:51 pm #2 You will never get that to work in XP 64bit,you should just sell it to me instead