• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
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Phillps Tube Data

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Does anyone have access to a 'Phillips Tube Electronic Tube Handbook', mid 60's or later. Or a 'Phillips Data Handbook' when it still contained tube data.

I'm trying to get filament voltage and current for the following tubes -

I've gotten data from a VadeMecum which seems to be in conflict with the Phillips data, so I'm attepting to get data from an original source.

Thanks in advance,
Them pesky 189s

Tube Dude,

Many thanks, its what I also got from some downloads of Phillips data, but in one case, the XCC189 is in agreement with a Vademecum, and in the other, the PCC189, Phillips gives 7.6volts while the VM and some other sources gives 7.2... As most of these tubes are manufactured by Phillips, should I assume the Phillips voltage is the correct one?


Indeed, that is where I got the original data. A great site. It wouldn't be a big concern, but I've worked out a scheme to support both (actually appropriated from Tube Cad)
but using AC heaters to support 2 (or more) filament voltages with no changes, using a higher voltage, dropping resistor, and some high school algebra. With the discrepancy in filament voltage, I could end up with an overvoltage, and resulting shortened tube life if I use the wrong value....

Thanks Gents.

The etch code of the LCC189 is dV, anyone?

Hello Paul,

Still fighting those ECC189 ?

ëàìïà Uí Ií àíàëîã
ECC89 6.3 0.365 ~6Í24Ï
PCC89 7.2 0.3 ~6Í24Ï
XCC89 4.5 0.6 ~6Í24Ï
YCC89 5.2 0.45 ~6Í24Ï
ECC189 6.3 0.365 #6Í24Ï
PCC189 7.2 0.3 #6Í24Ï
UCC189 21 0.1 #6Í24Ï
XCC189 4.5 0.6 #6Í24Ï
YCC189 5.2 0.45 #6Í24Ï

ECC89 = 6FC7
ECC189 = 6ES8

These data were culled from a Russian site.Note again the wrong heater voltage for the PCC189 (although it might be correct for the Russian ~ equivalent ?)
The Brimar and Philips books I have all state 7.6V @ 0.300A
I get a feeling the 7.2V stated is wrongly derived from the Russian
PCC89 ~ equivalent.But we've been there already remember ?

Best rgds,
Every 'P' type tube has a 300mA heater. That's the defining characteristic. It may well be that different tubes, even of the same type, develop different voltages at this current due to resistance differences. Best use a current regulator to put exactly 300mA on the heater and see what voltage comes out.

BTW, the 'U' types work in the same fashion, except they expect 100mA on their heaters.



Thks for reminding us.Amazing how rusty things get when not used regularly.
I assume this may also explain why some have 7.2 V and others 7.6 ?


I suppose a voltage + current reg are required?
Keep us informed,it may well help others too.

Thanks everyone....


The point about using current regulation is a good one. If one is going to use dc on the filaments, many say that current regulation is prefferable to voltages regualtion. But the point of my inquiry an attempt to implemet ac heating on a 'universal', inexpensive basis, i.e. with tubes that are not in current production, it would be nice to be able to plug in tubes of differing heater requirements, but same characteristics, and have it function properly. This can be done with a the proper ac voltage and a dropping resistor -
For example, a 12v ac secondary windiing with a 16 ohm dropping resistor would give the folling % of power consumption vs specified filament consumption on the various ?CC189/?ES8s -

Type, fVoltage, fCurrent, fPwr, fPwr%

YCC189, 5.03, 435, 2.19, 93.65%
5ES8, 5.25, 422, 2.21, 87.89%
6ES8/ECC189, 6.23, 361, 2.25, 97.71%
7ES8/PCC189, 7.20, 300, 2.16 , 100.00%
PCC189(Phlps),7.35 , 290, 2.14, 93.65%

So if one seeks to run their tubes with a 5% undervoltage, corresponding to a 93.65% power consumption on the filaments, you can support, with no changes, a YCC189. 6ES8/ECC189, a 7ES8, and a Phillips specified PCC189, with no changes. Like current regulation, this only works for a single ac winding per filament.

A Russian site, guitar.ru indeed has that 7.2 voltage spec, as does my page from the VadeMecum. When these tv tuner cascode tubes were produced, 1963+, I believe Phillips was the 'big dog' on the block, essentially controlling, Mullard, Brimar, ... So as Phillips went so went the world.

Thanks all
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