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Pete Millet 2 way Tube Crossove uses zEcc88 or 6922 tubes

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Dear Member,
I just purchased a Peter Millett PCB BOARD and The Parts List + The Schematic Circuit, Which I believe are is a Great Design. And since I purchchased it I decided to go for a 3 WAY Tube Active, Unit, And Now decided to sell The 2 way PCB and The Schematic And all the Documents which was with the PCB is Now on offer for Sale for USD 40 ,00 Plus USD 15 for Postage, I think that this may suit your needs
Should you want it, Please contact me on e mail: fsj@iprimus.com.au or text me on +61 403 146 207
I live in Melbourne AUSTRALIA
Kind Rgds
Francis Jansz😱
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