Peavy windsor tube head issue

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So i straight traded a guy my fender hot rod deluxe for a peavy windsor tube head and cab off craigslist. as expected, I'v discovered an issue with the one of the tubes. One of my el34 power tubes is not glowing at all when in use.

So i figure well thats gotta be wrong? no issue with sound at all, or volume seems fine but i dont really know much about how loud a 100watt tube amp can go so not sure if there is a difference at all.

So what do i do? investigate!

Pulled the tube out and inspected it. seems fine, but not sure.

I'm wondering a couple things. if its the tube thats bad, i know i'll have to replace the whole set of four, but if its not, how would i go about trouble shooting.

BTW, i opened the whole thing up and found that the solder points seem a little jacked. about to reheat and confirm good connections to the points on that particular tube socket before i put it all back together...anyways, thanks for the help in advance!

Schematic I'm looking at shows no cathode bias resistors whatsoever... 100% fixed bias.
So, I suspect you could gank an EL34 off the opposite side to restore a current balance.
Temporary fix only... You would obviously lose half your power. But I don't see anything
that requires a drastic rebias onna-counta-gankage.

EL34, KT77, 6CA7: all the same tube more or less... Whats that in Ruskie part number?
6п27C, 6P27S: compatible, or different? This part number finds very little reference...

6L6/KT66 will also fit the hole, but the re-bias would be drastic for sure. Not something
to wing without a plan. Don't mix with EL34. Also tone more neutral, less "Marshally".
A variety pack of tube types likely to work. I don't know any Windsor self bias class A?
I suspect you change the tube type, you gotta re-bias, else end of story...
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