Peavey Impulse 12D Ribbon /upgrade ?help

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Hello all, I have a pair of Peavey impulse 12d . nice sounding speaker however I am looking to upgrade the 12" driver to match the ribbon sound better. lookin at ciare 12" and faital 12" . some issues and concerns, this is a active crossover @ 2k[24db.] peavey woofer is a 4 ohm [dual 8ohm vc run in parallel]98db 1w/1m.really like the ciare drivers but only come in 8ohms but is 100db . any suggestions advice welcome !!enclosure is about 2.4 cu.ft.
With an active crossover you don't care about impedances and senstitivities you just match the amp; much, much easier than trying to maintain damping factor with disparate drivers in a passive set up. You might be forced to bridge a power amp to match new drivers, or even buy a new, higher powered amplifier, but matching levels on a system like that is no problem, and the set up will work straight off.
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