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PCBs to build a Turntable Speed Measurement device

Joined 2010
Paid Member
In its June 2018 issue, the "audioxpress" magazine published my article about a Turntable Speed measurement device (as shown in the photo).
The device is based on a microprocessor ATMEL ATMEGA328-PU and was developed with Arduino software.
Due to copy rights I cannot post the article here but if someone has access to the article and wants to build the device I have some pcbs (as shown in the photo) and programmed CPUs for selling.
The price for both PCB and programmed CPU is 24 Euros (shipping cost is included in this price).
If someone is interested send me a message.


  • The TSM100 device.jpg
    The TSM100 device.jpg
    910.8 KB · Views: 1,115
  • TSM100 pcb.jpg
    TSM100 pcb.jpg
    587.3 KB · Views: 1,130
Joao Martins, Editor-in-chief of the audioxpress magazine was very kind to post on line the article for the Turntable Speed Measurement TSM-100 device.

You can find it here:
You Can DIY! The TSM-100 - A Turntable Speed Measurement Device | audioXpress

Also a short video showing the operation of the device is here:

I have a few pcbs (as shown in the photo) and programmed CPUs for selling.
The price for both PCB and programmed CPU is 24 Euros (shipping cost is included in this price).
My estimation for the cost of the parts needed to build the device is around 55 to 60 Euros.

Most of the cost goes to the LCD, the sensor, the high accuracy oscillator, the PCB and the programmed CPU.
A lot of the other components (like regulator, resistors, capacitors), I think can be found in every diy home lab and will reduce somehow the above cost.

If someone is interested for the PCB and the programmed CPU, send me a PM or an email at: gntanavaras@gmail.com
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