PC game controller

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hey - my bro bought one of those "not so good" PC steering wheel game controller. he has had it for about 6 months and now the wheel is not tracking properly (warranty just expired - go figure!!)

my guess is that there is a pot hooked up to the wheel - so as you turn it the resistance increases or decreases and the software takes care of the rest. If this is the case, would i be able to get another pot and stick it in and have no more problems?
well in case any1 is interested....

i opened the controller up and the pot was hooked straight up to the steering wheel - it was a piece of you know what! and tiny too.

got a nice new linear pot (a big one), built up a new bracket, soldered it up and it works perfect.
well - good news is the control is still working great.

bad news is that it has quite i big dead zone which cannot be changed, so i want to maybe try and change the output of the pot from linear to a bit of an "s" curve. i have done this before with a lighting desk i built (the 1 on elliott sound projects webpage) by adding 2 resistors with the pot - only that "s" curve is opposite to what i want.

so can i do the same type of thing with this pot or not really??? also the resistance has to be the same - 20k
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