Finally Pavel has said OK to run a group buy deal. Please sign the list above if you are interested. The first step is only an interest check.
Finally Pavel has said OK to run a group buy deal. Please sign the list above if you are interested. The first step is only an interest check.
If you download the manual you will have info there.shallbehealed said:Are the boards stereo or mono?
Nice! Pavel's pdf has been download many, many times, thousands and now maybe even 10000's. I have no statistics for a period of time. I'll hope this curiosity will result in some boards.
The real interest is rather cool but I'll hope we can get at least 50 boards. Since a few days 1500 persons have viewed the documention and I see many people comes from Czech republic.
I'll recommend you to read what I have written about the price. You have it in the first section of the wiki page. See link above or in my signature.
At the moment there are 28 boards at the list. It would have been nice if we could reach at least 50 boards.
I received one of the early boards that Pavel had and I can confirm that they are very well made indeed, just looking at them I learned few tricks myself 😉
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