Passive, or active BOSOZ, orAleph P?

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I would like some feedback on the following :
Having just build a pair of Aleph 5 monoblocks I am thinking of building a pre-amp. At the moment I am using a Creek passive pre that gives me plenty of gain. I am using this pre in preference to a Naim 72 + Naim hi-cap power supply that I felt was good dynamically and in the bass but was veiling the detail and soundstage.
Has anybody had any experience with passive vs Pass ( that came out sounding good !) preamps feeding Alephs ?
And which one of the two designs to go for - BOSOZ or Aleph P 1.7 ? Has anyone compared the two sonically? Which one is easier to build ? My listening experiences with balanced connections have been positive so I would be interested to try something like the above.
I guess I am looking for more dynamics (but not gain) and bass without losing resolution. I have asked many people in the audio business about passive vs active but there seem to be many views especially depending on which product they are selling. However the conclusion in general seems to be that passives do sacrifice some dynamics even though theory tells us that if you have enough gain all should be well.
I've built them with and without current sources, but have
not found a significant difference in the sound, all other
things being equal. The current sourced version does swing
more voltage and does have better CMRR, but this doesn't
seem to make much difference.

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