Pass Labs Thread 5000

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But ofcourse! There has to be an official thread #5000!
This will be the right place to ask NP to help us to get to the bottom of the issue with the cat and the P-channel tube, should we or shold we not keep on trying to bridge Zen V-5, why do cats prefer to sleep on class a ss amps while being a bit hesitant when it comes to class a 6550 setups? Also, on a personal level, i would like to know how NP keeps his beard from going white.

1) The beard is white.

2) Cats are sensitive to high voltage and are more sensible than
than the average audiophile.

3) Reconciling the 5 versions of string theory will not get you laid -
you should continue to try to bridge ZV5

4) Sometime before the inflationary period of the big bang, P
channel tubes apparently ceased to be an option. (See #3)
Allright! The beard was a relief, then i can regard myself as of beeing in good company.
About the HT-sensitivity i don´t know, this one that has choosen us as providers of food and shelter from the storm, when groomed with the ebonite brush she gladly generates some 25KV which she discharges inte first unwary person throug whiskers or tip of ears. She also has taken up the method of rechrging herself on 6550´s through the wiskers.


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