Parallel capacitors placement on crossover

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I am about to replace old electrolytic capacitors on a crossover. One of them is 500uF which I plan to replace it with 15x 33uF film capacitors. I've read many discussions about single vs. multiple capacitors in parallel and some mentioned that using parallel capacitors may create a resonance issue at certain frequencies.

There are two questions I have that I am not able to find clear answers and would appreciate some help here. (fyi, I chose not to use a small film cap to bypass the large electrolytic.)

1) should I use a different combination of the capacitors? I can go for a 1x 100uF + 12x 33uF combination, but going lower (such as 25 x 20uF) would be cost prohibitive.

2) how should I physically mount those capacitors? I mean should I keep them apart from each other as possible, or tightly glued them together in some way?

Paralleling Caps

When building a XO , I try to get as close as I can to the design values. This means paralleling Caps.
Eg: I needed a 7.27 uF so I combined 6.8 + 0.47 uf . One thing I was concerned about was crosstalk cap to cap when they are touching. To minimize this I connect the outside foil ends together and to ground if possible. This sounds like over kill, but its free , and who knows .

See my web site.
Don, thanks for your sharing of my concerns. Your point about +/- orientation of the caps matches what auricap and kimble recommend.

I still don't know if I should keep those caps closely together or far apart. There are many parallel caps discussions in this forum on PSU, but not crossovers.
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