Paralelling several TDA2030 chips!!

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Hi Folks, here"s the scoop...I recently found a 6 Channel amp (5ch Plus Subwoofer) in the Garbage at the Brick furniture store ,the amp is inside a Subwoofer box with a small subwoofer and it also contains the amps for the 5.1 ch...

The amp seems to work fine but I really have no use for a Home theater amp so i was thinking of converting it to a Higher power Mono type amp maybe to be used as a PA monitor or even a Guitar/Bass amp.....

The amp has 5 TDA2030 chips in it ,One for each of the 5 channels (Fr-Left ,Fr-Right ,Rear-left ,Rear right and center) and it also has 2 TDA2050 chips in a Bridged config for the subwoofer...each channel also seems to have a Transistor buffer at the input of each channel....It also has a Nice 150Va 14v 0v 14v Torroid in it.....

So what i was wondering is can I paralell all 5 of the TDA2030 chips into one output?? It will either be driveing a 4 ohm load or a 16 ohm load ( I have two 8 ohms 12in speakers), If it is possible what load would be best??

If it is Possible to Paralell all the TDA 2030 chips would I also need to put a power resistor on the output of each TDA chip to share the load more equally?? Would 0.2 ohms be a good value??

Also if I want to use all of the Inputs with the same source would I just use a Voltage divider network before the input on the amp?? Like use a 10 ohm resistor at the input of each amp from the source to share the input signal more equally between all of the channels??

Thanx for any help you can give me....Cheers
OK... I guess no one wants to answer this one??

I have decided I should build a Phaze inverter to Invert the Phaze of the signal on 2 of the 5 channels so I can bridge and paralell 4 of the 5 chips, I might just use the exta channel for a tweeter or horn....

does this seem like a better idea?? any potential problems with this??

I've run a bunch of TDA2030s in bridge configuration at voltages close to maximum. They get very toasty, and sound is weak and thin due to the low current capability of the chips.

IME the chips are good only in low-end configs such as the original they came in. I have a bunch of them doing duty in a cheap little 5.1 system that I only use for causal gaming, not much good for much else.

I liked the sound initially because it was different, but better chips are easy to find and build. Don't be surprised if you end up throwing it back where it came from.

Edit: btw, I didn't build an inverter, just used a single resistor to create the bridge. Read about that method on Rod Eliot's site.
You know what would be a MUCH better option.

Is using that amp for biamping.

left channel (mid + hi) (2 channels on the amp)
right channel( mid + hi) (2 channels on the amp)

.1 channel as for lower frequency's (1 bridged channel on the amp)

you will have one unused channel ( but not using one channel will be great for you power supply that is a bit light in the pants)

tinker with the circuits a bit ,and build your own decent crossover circuit. for left mid and hi and right mid and hi en combined low frequency.
Well I was thinking of bridgeing/Paralelling 4 of the Channels (Fr-Left/right -Rear left/right) into one Channel as a Full range output ,I was then thinking of useing the extra Channel with a High pass filter for a tweeter or horn and then running the sub output to a Sub that I have ....and put a Volume controll on each of the 3 amps so I can dial in louder bass or treble ect....I was also thinking of adding a pot to the Hi Out to change the crossover frequency on the fly...the Sub out allready has a Low pass filter of some type from the look of all the film caps near the sub output.....

I guess this would be considered Tri amping.....

I don"t really want to start doing major mods the the existing Circuit board as it is pretty crowded so I will probably run the High pass filters on seperate boards with a seperate supply....

Last night I built a buffered Phaze inverter so I can bridge the channels which has it"s own PSU on board ,It is a simple Dual opamp with one configured as Non-Inverting unity gain and the other as inverting unity gain which should give me a Bridgeable output signal.....

I am also going to add some 0.2r 2w output resistors on the 4 amps before bridgeing/Paralleling them to share the load more evenly.....

Are there other things I should take into consideation here??


tda 2030 bridge mode by the book produces quiet a lot unfortonately this is only bench testing ....

meaning that in a dummy load they really produce a lot .... but in a ractive load like a speaker power is limited and also sound is so crappy ....

so my opoinion is built yor shelf a nice amp since you have a nice trafo and dont bother about the tda .... this chip is only good enough fro 14"tv sound

best regards sakis
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