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For Sale PA03 LM4780 Chip Amp

Things you have for sale.

I have a completed PA03 amplifier. This amp is based on the Nat'l Semi LM4780 chip amp. It's essentially two LM3886 chips. This particular PCB is by Pavel Dudek, and is fairly highly regarded as a well implemented design. This is the 2nd of two amps I built, and now offering this to one the community as I now longer will need it. It's basically brand new, and was never put into service. All parts are already soldered to the PCB, except for the authentic NS LM4780 chip. It will be included. This amp has a built-in power supply, so all that's needed is a transformer for a complete, functioning, great sounding amp. The included heatsink can be easily removed and replaced with a larger one - depending upon the intended usage of the amp.

I am asking $175.00 for the amp plus postage.

I also have a brand new PA03 bare PCB. Same board and designer (Pavel). I also have all the parts (Mouser) needed to complete the build - including the NS LM4780 chip. All documentation for the board will be included. The PCB when purchased was $45 through the group buy.

I am asking $145 for the PCB and all parts plus postage. No heatsink is included. For some small passive parts you may receive more than is required for the build, as I generally buy in multiples of 10.

If interested, PM me.



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