P3A Problems!

Good night, D1 is connected to the cathode in the -25 volt line, I'll check again! D1 is lit?


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In addition, the postioning of VAS vs. Sziklai driver recommended by R. Elliott is not respected in this layout which can result in thermal instability.

I think with a small aluminum plate (heatsink) with Q5, Q6, Q9 would be a solution (be careful to isolate Q5 and Q6 of the heatsink).

Do you use a standard brightness LED (no high-brightness )?


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D1 must be lit. It provides a voltage reference for Q3, which in turn sets the current drawn through Q1 and Q2. It is possible Q3 is faulty and is switching fully on. Measure the voltage on Q3's base with respect to V-, it should be about 1.7v
Why not read the recommendations of the designer? At least you will understand why certain choices are better than others and you can decide whether +/- 36V is right, is not too big and heavy, current is sufficient, hum too much etc.
.....In fact my question is whether common transformers are less than toroids.....
Common E-I transformers are fine, if you bear in mind they radiate more hum and noise than toroidal, so you may need a larger case to allow spacing the transformer (and power leads) further from the amplifier. I suggest you listen to the amplifier output whilst you carefully (!) move the transformer or just the twisted leads about in the case before bolting down, until you get least noise and then fasten in that position.

If you are looking for best possible sound quality, even low noise levels become important. Otherwise, it doesn't matter what you use. Even cheap SMPS power supplies will work like any power supply if the current and voltages are adequate for peak output needs and grounding is correctly done.