other uses for toroid output autoformers?

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I have at least 4 if not more autoformers removed from junked PA power amps. 2 are Crown and 2 are QSC and both were 200wpch so these are pretty hefty toroids.

These were used to convert the standard amp output to a high impedance output for driving 70V or 100V distributed line systems. so these have an 8ohm rated input and a 4ohm/70V/100V output typically. I have no idea what they actual specs are but they would be pretty wide bandwidth typically.

should i scrap these or do they have a use??
You could make high voltage lateral Fet SE amps with them. Gary Pimm has made some excellent SS amps using higher than normal voltages, Fets and transformers. Don't ask me for more than this, as I know not how to. Nelson Pass may be willing to help though.

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