Orion 2150sx

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Is this amp worth trying to repair or is it a lost cause this is how i bought the amp guess i should have opend the bottom cover first..

Notice the inductor in front of the torriod its burnt and it needs all new power supply fets,outputs,regualtors,ect ect..


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I have another 1 of theese amps with a bad inductor also..

I am going to replace the fets and outputs since they are shorted..

The amps is using SMP60N06's Wondering whats a good replacement for them??

Also Wondering does anyone know what core and guage wire i need to make new inductors for the power supply?? Or how do i go about ordering it as far as how do i determine what core and guage wire i need?
The core on 1 of the amps is not re-usuable all the coating is burnt off...

Any ideas on how to figure out what core i need to buy??

Also the wire on theese is 3 or 4 strands twisted together and then wrapped around the core do i need to only measure 1 strand then twist 3 or 4 of them together when rewinding it?
replaced all power supply fets , gate resistors, drivers in the power supply..

All of the outputs are removed right now...

Perry stated i could use the inductor in the amp for testing right now..

Amp draws excessive current when i hook the remote wire up..

Anyone have any ideas?
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