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Original Blue Box Radio Shack Drivers

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I have the following Radio Shack original blue box drivers for sale. After making my first TQWT, I had planned on making another "nice" one. That never happened and apparently never will. These have been sitting in my closet for years. I figured it was time to let someone put them to good use.

One pair of brand new 40-1284E 5" drivers - $20
One pair of brand new 40-1197 4" drivers - $20
One pair of slightly used 40-1197 4" drivers - $15

I also have a pair of Parts Express crossovers if anybody is interested:
8 ohm 80Hz 12 dB low pass - $15

I am selling everything for cheaper than I paid for them so I cannot cover shipping too. If you are interested, you can email me at "netstuff01 AT comcast DOT net". If you are in the Orlando, FL area, you can pick them up. If anybody is interested in buying everything at once, we can talk about a better price.


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